Advertising, TV and Cine

Skydive Madrid has collaborated with numerous media companies either at the level of information on radio and TV news, as well as providing infrastructure advice and technical support in the preparation of commercials, television programs, shows and film shoots.


Antena 3


Cuatro TV

Tele 5

La sexta TV:

Neox TV

Lola Films Productions:

Los 40 principales

New Atlantis:

Caja Madrid

Sony PlayStation

On our youtube channel you can see some of the productions that have been made at Skydive MADRID by companies and artists who have trusted us to promote their brand:

Likewise, we have made several reports for various press media, magazines (Hello, Diez Minutos, Lectura, etc.) women’s magazines (Telva, Mia, Cosmopolitan, etc.) for business (The publicist, Travel, etc.), newspapers and Sunday newspapers. (El Mundo, El País, ABC) or film producers for their movies.

But our public appearance has not only been as reports to increase the audience or purchase interest of a certain press, but we have also made announcements for television such as Nokia, Renault Megane, Honda, Audi, Groupama Seguros, PlayStation, Caja Madrid, Fujitsu, MultiOpticas, ONCE , La Mild, etc.

At Skydive MADRID we help to promote brands, products, events, either through skydiving or various aeronautical activities or from so-called extreme sports such as balloon jumping, base jump, paramotors, crane jumps, etc., through our group of specialists.

We encourage you to get in touch with us so that most of the various activities can make your product, brand, TV show or advertising spot, certainly in the market in a shockingand unforgettable way.

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