For an effective learning process good equipment is essential. At Skydive Madrid safety comes first therefore we work only with the best skydiving equipment manufacturers in the world.


Skydive Madrid works with the best equipment and our parachutes are from the most prestigious manufacturers worldwide. We not only look for the quality of these, but we subject them weekly and monthly to exhaustive mantenence to ensure maximum safety in all jumps.


The main canopies of our school are very handleable and safe, with very smooth openings and landings. Perfect for tandem jumps and learn skydiving. All the gear also have a reserve canopy that periodically goes through safety reviwes carried out by a professional expert in parachute maintenance.


The AAD is an electronic device designed to automatically open reserve parachutes at a certain height in the event that the primary parachute has not been deployed for any reason. ALL of our school rigs have this emergency safety system.

The additional equipment necessary for skydiving, both in tandem and for the AFF courses are included during the skydive activity. Tandem passengers will wear jumpsuit or pants and goggles, AFF students helmets, jumpsuits, altimeters and goggles.

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